Advertising in restaurants | Ambient Media agency | Khushi Advertising


“Reach out to your audience at their favourite hangouts”
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Hangouts present opportunities for marketers to advertise near the point-of-sale catchments where the existing and prospective customers of the brand spend a good amount of time in the lovely ambiance with music, food, coffee & beverages. Some of them are regulars and hang out here frequently, thereby providing a great engagement opportunity for a brand marketer to have a sustained dialogue with this TG who lives near the POS. The advantage of proximity marketing is that a marketer or media planner gets all the time to inform, educate, entice and convert maximum prospects of each catchment around the hangout into customers and retain them by using various communication tools consisting of interactive engagements, test marketing, sampling, special offers, etc. to increase sales. It is observed that by advertising at hangouts the affinity index score of the brand gets better and the possibility of achieving the goal of a better ROI increases. Marketers can focus here and build brand equity and loyalty as it improves over a course of time with continuous engagement.

Khushi is the one-stop solution to plan your proximity marketing through various media spaces & floor spaces available at coffee shops across the country. We have more than 400 coffee shops in 22 cities which generates 36 lakhs relevant TG per month.

The TG spends around 45 min to an hour each time they visit here, providing unimaginably high OTS, more impressions, higher brand recall, higher message recall & better conversion rate.


  • Danglers
  • Tent Cards
  • Cash Counter
  • Standees & Cut-outs
  • Promotions, Kiosks, Engagements & Activations