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Brand Activation – A must do for every marketer

Brand Activation – A must do for every marketer

What is Brand Activation?

Brand Activation is the art of driving consumer action through brand interaction and experiences. In simple terms, the key aim of a Brand Activation campaign is to get consumers to act. It’s about bringing brands to life via experiences and forming long-term emotional connections. It is a process of engaging the consumers by providing them with an exceptional brand experience.

Why Brand Activation?

Brand activation is an important step in any marketing strategy. The main purpose of the activation is to move a step ahead from brand awareness towards making the consumers feel personally connected to the brand.

Creating engagement through brand activation serves as a crucial part in building a positive perception of the brand.

Key Principles to be followed for a brand activation:  

1. The R’s

Connecting with the right set of consumers at the right time and at the right place will ensure that the consumer becomes a motivated user and fan of the brand

2. Objective

To instigate/stir a rise in the demand for a particular brand, one must tap into the consumer’s mind using creative strategies and ideas.

3. Activation Strategies

Some of the activation strategies, such as experiential marketing, in-store brand activation, sampling campaigns must be used.

Let’s take a look at some of those strategies/methods:

1. Experiential marketing

Perhaps the best way to imprint your brand in people’s minds is by allowing them to experience it first-hand. This can be done by creating an experiential element whereby customers can touch, feel and interact with your brand.

2. Sampling campaigns

Giving out free samples of a new product can be a great way to introduce people to your brand and get them talking. It could simply mean giving people the opportunity to try your products.

3. In-store activation

Another opportunity to activate a brand is through in-store promotions or events.

Advantages of brand activations 

1. Permits/Encourages the consumers to give direct feedback on what they feel needs to change or improve about a particular brand.

2. It can help bring to life an aging brand and even reach the younger millennial audiences.

3. Helps reinforce the brand’s positioning in the minds of its consumers.

4. Helps to cut through the advertising clutter.

5. It makes your brand more prominent.


Activating the Brand with Us

Khushi offers diversified and unique solutions to activate your brand. Avail our services to make sure your brand wins the hearts of your TG.

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